Florida Church of God is partnering with agencies that are already delivering disaster relief goods and support across Florida.
If you would like to financially support our disaster relief efforts, there are several ways to give:
Give Online - http://flcog.cc/give
Mail - 3736 Cragmont Drive, Tampa, FL 33619
Text FLCOG to 1-888-364-GIVE (4483) and select HURRICANE RELIEF
FLCOG App: Download at the link above.
Your donations will be given 100% towards Hurricane Ian relief. We need your help. Thank you for your prayers and support for our pastors and churches in Florida.
If you would like to financially support our disaster relief efforts, there are several ways to give:
Give Online - http://flcog.cc/give
Mail - 3736 Cragmont Drive, Tampa, FL 33619
Text FLCOG to 1-888-364-GIVE (4483) and select HURRICANE RELIEF
FLCOG App: Download at the link above.
Your donations will be given 100% towards Hurricane Ian relief. We need your help. Thank you for your prayers and support for our pastors and churches in Florida.
Give by Mail
Mail a Check
3736 Cragmont Drive
Tampa, FL 33619
3736 Cragmont Drive
Tampa, FL 33619
Why we give
God is generous and so He calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
- Matthew 6:21